I’ve been an event producer for decades. From LARPs to international LARP orgs, from Viking villages to building profitable renaissance faires. Toss in a few AEA stage manager and production manager credits. “Delay” is a word with which I am woefully familiar.  

Yet no matter how many times I’m reminded it’s the nature of the beast, I still despise the word.

The website is delayed, yet I think it’s with good reason.

We’ve got four main brains working on new paths, reorganization, rules editing and simplification, and development of a foundation that allows for organic character development. The latter must include a sense of immediate reward to ensure progress is known, remain flexible and diverse, have a near zero learning curve, and work with the existing and known tiered Endeavor system. Well, we think we got that.

Our process entails coming up with what we think are brilliant ideas which are tested in thought experiments. And just when we’re about to make it official, one of us asks the fateful question: “But isn’t that the same as…”, “…wouldn’t that change how X works?”, or “Physics doesn’t work that way, does it?”. Back to the drawing board.

Sometimes we pass it before select participants who have demonstrated a wish to be more involved behind the scenes. Great feedback there, honest and pure.

One more day, one more week. We’re close. So very close to releasing something based on your comments and our combined experiences in October. Even Logistics underwent a major review by me and changes have to occur there, too.

But we think you’ll like it. A lot.

In the meantime, mutvia.com/events is updated. If you’re crafty, you’ll notice a menu with options on it up top. The pages there aren’t official versions, but it’s sneak peek between you and me. Go explore, enjoy what’s there. If you’re into it, review each day. We’ve got more to do, more to write, and after all of that, apply a liberal dose of Occam’s Razor to what’s there in final review before I’m willing to put a seal on it.

Good stuff on the way.

Mütvia Regestöi.